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Home » CBD Oil for Menopause – Symptoms & Relief

CBD Oil for Menopause – Symptoms & Relief

As women age, they will inevitably undergo a transition known as perimenopause and menopause. Whether they’re just starting to notice the first symptoms or have been experiencing them for some time, this stage of life is a natural part of the reproductive cycle that cannot be avoided.

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Menopause can be a challenging phase for women to go through, but there are various ways to manage the symptoms. One potential method for managing menopausal symptoms is using CBD.

If you have been keeping up with the latest research on the human body, you may be familiar with the promising studies linking the endocannabinoid system (ECS) and reproductive functions.

We’ve put together a comprehensive guide that explores the relationship between CBD and menopause. In this guide, we’ll start by providing an overview of CBD and its potential benefits for menopause before delving into how CBD interacts with menopause symptoms. If you’re searching for a natural solution to managing your symptoms, CBD may be the answer you’ve been looking for.

What is CBD?

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If you’re new to cannabis, it’s important to clear up some common misconceptions about CBD. Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of over 80 cannabinoids that naturally occur in the Cannabis sativa plant. The Cannabis sativa plant comes in many forms, with hemp being the primary source of CBD due to its high CBD content and low THC content.

It’s important to note that CBD is not the same as THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). THC has an intoxicating effect, while CBD doesn’t interact with the brain in the same way. This means that CBD won’t cause the “high” associated with marijuana use.

Selling hemp products, including CBD oil and products made from it, has been legal in the United States since 2018. CBD is a hot topic in current scientific research, and countless ongoing studies exploring its potential for health and wellness applications are expanding our knowledge and understanding of this compound.

What is Menopause?

If you have a uterus and experience menstrual cycles, menopause is an inevitable phase that you will go through. It is important to understand two terms used when discussing this subject: Menopause and the menopausal transition, also known as perimenopause.

Menopause marks the start of a new stage that begins one year after your last menstrual period. The menopausal transition is the period leading up to menopause, which typically begins between the ages of 45 and 55 and can last up to 14 years. During this transition, most people experience symptoms such as irregular menstrual cycles, hot flashes, night sweats, mood changes, brain fog, vaginal dryness, discomfort during sex, sleep disturbance, and bladder control changes.

It is important to note that most people experience symptoms during the transition period and not during menopause itself. When menopause officially begins, menstrual periods will stop permanently. These symptoms can be difficult to manage, but luckily there are ways to mitigate them, including the use of CBD for menopause symptom management.

Menopause and the Endocannabinoid System

If you’re curious about the relationship between CBD and menstrual cramps, you may have heard about the exciting research linking the human body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS) and reproductive functions.

The ECS is composed of three key components: cannabinoid receptors, endocannabinoids (like CBD), and enzymes that synthesize and break down cannabinoids in the body. Similar to other body systems, the ECS determines how cannabinoids develop, move, and perform functions throughout the body.

Scientists are studying the potential links between the ECS and the reproductive system since the ECS is widespread throughout the body. Although we don’t yet fully understand the interaction between these two systems, early evidence suggests that CBD may help manage symptoms related to reproduction, such as cramping, poor sleep, mood changes, and more.

CBD Oil for Menopause Relief

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If you are experiencing menopause symptoms, incorporating CBD into your wellness plan might be worth considering. Now – how does CBD oil help Menopause symptoms? Complex subjects like this can depend on factors such as your CBD oil for menopause dosage, quality, or extract type. In the following section, we will explore many potential benefits of CBD for menopause.

Mood Regulation

Hormonal changes during the menopausal transition can significantly impact mood. The production of two ovarian hormones (estrogen and progesterone) begins to fluctuate, leading to mood swings as one of the most commonly reported symptoms of menopause.

CBD supplementation is anecdotally reported to improve mood, and studies related to CBD and mood show promising potential for positive outcomes in people experiencing unstable or unpredictable moods. However, most of the research in this area is based on rodent studies, and data from human subjects is limited.

Mood is a complicated and multifaceted element of health and wellness. While the biological connection between mood and CBD is not yet fully understood, early research suggests that CBD may have a positive impact on mood.

CBD Oil for Menopause – Sleep Problems

Sleep disturbances are common during the menopausal transition, including trouble falling asleep, difficulty staying asleep, and restless or poor-quality sleep. Fortunately, studies have suggested that CBD supplementation may improve sleep quality:

  • A 2019 study found that participants who took CBD reported subjective improvements in their sleep quality over time.
  • In 2007, a study introduced a combination of THC and CBD to patients with discomfort-related sleep disturbances, resulting in more restful sleep.
  • A 2020 pharmacodynamic study reported that individuals who used smokable CBD products experienced subjective sleepiness after smoking.

While more research is needed to fully understand the relationship between CBD and sleep, these studies suggest that CBD may be a useful tool for improving sleep quality during menopause.

Managing Discomfort

Discomfort is a common symptom experienced during the menopausal transition. This discomfort can take many forms, from cramps to soreness and stiffness. While scientists are still studying the full impacts of CBD on discomfort, recent studies suggest that CBD may help manage discomfort levels:

  • A 2016 study on rats found that those given a daily dose of 6.2mg of CBD showed reduced levels of joint discomfort.
  • In 2010, a study on chemotherapy patients found that combining opioid painkillers with a THC-CBD extract increased their comfort level more than opioids alone.
  • A two-phase 2017 study found a potential link between introducing CBD and experiencing less intense headache discomfort.

While there is currently no data available on the specific effects of CBD on menopause-related discomfort, the evidence suggests that CBD may be a valuable tool for managing discomfort in general. If you’re experiencing discomfort during menopause, consider talking to your healthcare provider about incorporating CBD into your wellness routine.

Body Temperature

Hot flashes and night sweats are well-known symptoms of menopause, and researchers have established connections between the endocannabinoid system (ECS) and “visceral functions” like temperature regulation, food intake, and pituitary secretion.

Studies have shown that cannabinoids, including CBD, can impact body temperature based on the amount introduced to the body. While low volumes can correlate with higher body temperature, higher volumes align with decreased heat production and overall body temperature.

This could be promising for menopausal individuals experiencing hot flashes. However, more scientific research is necessary to determine the effectiveness of CBD in preventing or addressing these intense temperature fluctuations.

Appetite Regulation

Let’s talk about appetite regulation and how CBD might help manage it during the menopausal transition. As hormones shift during this period, it’s common for hunger levels to fluctuate. Many people wonder is CBD Oil for menopause going to help with weight loss or weight gain. The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is known to play a role in appetite, with receptors and endocannabinoids in the hypothalamus impacting hunger and the desire to eat.

Studies have found that endocannabinoids stimulate food intake by binding to receptors, with the CB1 receptor potentially reducing food intake in mice when exposed to receptor-antagonist drugs like Leptin. Anecdotal reports also suggest that cannabis products (including CBD and THC) can increase appetite.

For menopausal people, the decrease in estrogen production can lead to decreased hunger, while poor sleep and increased stress can have the opposite effect. Additionally, a prescription medication used to manage menopause symptoms may have appetite-depressing side effects.

Skin Care

The connection between the endocannabinoid system (ECS) and skin health is becoming increasingly clear as more studies explore the use of CBD as a supplement for skin care. Here’s what the research tells us:

  • CBD has shown potential for balancing oxidative stress in skin cells exposed to UVB radiation and hydrogen peroxide in vitro, indicating a possible protective effect.
  • Terpenes in CBD hemp oil have been observed to break up problematic biofilms on the skin caused by organism colonies.
  • While more clinical studies are needed, preclinical data suggest that CBD supplementation may promote wound healing.

While the scientific community continues to investigate the relationship between CBD and skin care, anecdotal evidence and early assessments suggest that CBD has potential usefulness in dermatology.

Energy Level

The relationship between CBD and energy levels has been an area of interest for scientists as they study the effects of CBD on sleep regulation. Recent experiments have revealed some intriguing implications for wakefulness. One notable study involved the direct injection of CBD into the lateral hypothalamus of mice, which led to heightened alertness in the animals. The hypothalamus has long been associated with the regulation of wakefulness, suggesting that CBD may have a role to play in promoting wakefulness in humans as well.

Full Body Wellness

As the medical community continues to collect clinical data and assessments, anecdotal reports of CBD’s role in wellness are currently dominating cannabis conversations. And what better time to re-evaluate your personal wellness plan than during a period of change, such as the menopausal phase? Consider how your wellness and day-to-day self-care activities connect, explore new methods for promoting your whole-body wellness, and find ways to incorporate the wellness community’s favorite tools into your personal plan and goals. Although we are still learning about CBD, it is a promising method that has already begun to take hold among self-care enthusiasts and wellness seekers alike.

Find Relief with Kore Original

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Menopause is a natural phase that all women experience as they age, and it comes with various symptoms that can be challenging to manage. CBD, a natural compound found in the cannabis plant, is a potential solution to alleviate some of the symptoms associated with menopause. The menopausal transition can last up to 14 years. Symptoms such as irregular menstrual cycles, hot flashes, mood changes, sleep disturbance, vaginal dryness, and bladder control changes can make the transition period difficult to navigate.

Scientists are exploring the connection between the endocannabinoid system (ECS) and reproductive functions, and early research suggests that CBD oil for menopause may help manage symptoms related to reproduction. CBD has been linked to potential benefits such as mood regulation, improved sleep quality, and hot flash relief, among others. If you are experiencing menopause symptoms, incorporating CBD into your wellness plan might be worth considering.

What type of CBD oil is good for menopause?

To fully explore the benefits and range of CBD products, we recommend that you visit our web store! Here, you can discover our extensive collection of the best CBD oil products for menopause relief. From our popular CBD gummies and oils to our skincare and pet products, we have everything you need to incorporate CBD into your wellness routine. With our commitment to quality and transparency, you can trust that every product you purchase from Kore Original is backed by our rigorous testing standards and dedication to customer satisfaction. Visit us today and experience the difference that high-quality CBD can make in your life.

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on March 29, 2023
Summitt Labs is a Tampa, Florida-based collaboration of like-minded innovators for botanical research. Known for its top-grossing brands such as Kore Original, Hemplitude, and Happy Time High. Today, harnessing the passion for curating a unique solution for all communities.


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